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Yate and Dodington in Bloom

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Yate and Dodington in Bloom

Britain in Bloom is not just about formal spaces, but about improving our community, gardens and open spaces.

Although Yate no longer organises a co-ordinated entry to the competition for the town as a whole, In Bloom still happens through individuals' and Friends groups' efforts, with smaller entries to the In Bloom 'It’s your Neighbourhood' awards.

If you enjoy volunteering, gardening or being part of something worthwhile to our community, please come along and join in.

How to get in touch

For more information or to get involved in any of our activities, please contact Yate Town Council at Poole Court, Poole Court Drive, Yate BS37 6AG, email: or call 01454 866506.

We can also help you find: FloristsGarden servicesGarden centres

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