10am: Cool Ventures: Creat Great Social Media Content Yate Library
Learn how to craft engaging social media content that captures attention, boosts engagement, and drives results for your business.
This event is only available and is free for small businesses, small charities, sole traders and residents based in South Gloucestershire and Bath & North East Somerset.
Are you struggling to see results from your social media marketing?
Unsure what to post about or what would work for your business and various platforms?
Join Holly Bell, our social media marketing expert, for an in-person workshop designed for busy small business owners, sole traders, and aspiring entrepreneurs.
Click here to view the current staffed and open access hours.
Regular Activities at Yate Library
Wriggle and Rhyme: Thursday and Friday mornings in term-time 9.30–10am - Rhymes and songs for parents and babies/toddlers to enjoy together
Storytime: Tuesday mornings 9.30–10am – A free family friendly storytime, with stories and a simple craft for preschool children
Stay & Play: Every Tuesday & Friday Morning 10.30 – 11.30am (Term time only) Duplo and Trains
Lego Club: Lego + A Story + Your Imagination = Your Lego creation displayed in the Library. For primary school aged children who must bring a grown-up with them. Creative fun – listen to stories and poems, then make a model to display at the library. Saturdays 10:30 – 11:30am - see calendar for dates.
Computer Support with our Digital Champion Volunteer: Saturdays and Tuesdays 10am-12noon. To book a session call 01454 868006 to speak to a member of staff, or email .
Vision West of England Information, Advice and Support Drop in: Second Thursday every month 10am–12noon. For more information contact Marc on 0117 322 4855 or
Craft Group: Share tips and ideas for your knitting, sewing or crochet projects on Saturday mornings - see calendar for dates. New members will always be made welcome by this friendly group.
Free Drop-in Wills and Probate Advice Service: 10am-12 noon on the first Thursday of each month with Wards solicitors.
‘Have You Read?’: Come along and enjoy a coffee or tea and an informal chat with like-minded book lovers, about books you have read or are currently reading every fourth Friday in the month.
Latest News
Open Access at South Gloucestershire Libraries
If you register your card for our new Open Access System, and attend an induction, you’ll be able to access library facilities any day throughout the week.
You can borrow and return books and use the computers.
Please speak to a member of staff for more details.
Home Library Service - books to your door
Do you, or anyone you know, find it difficult to get to the library for books? If the answer is yes, please contact us to ask about our Home Library Service
as we have volunteers happy to help.
Use the Library Online
Our free online library is always open 24/7: eBooks, eAudiobooks, eComics, digital magazines and newspapers continue to be available for library members to download anytime - www.southglos.gov.uk/eresources has all the details.
It now also includes Who Else Writes Like?, and for children, Who Next? where you can find authors who write in a similar way to those you have already enjoyed reading. Simply log in with your library card number and select South Gloucestershire.
If you are not already a library member you can join online at bit.ly/joinLW - membership is free. You will receive an Online Membership number which will work for our digital services right away. Please enter an email address when you register for greater control of your account.