Apple Grafting Workshop
Winterbourne Medieval Barn
Learn how to graft apple trees on this one-day course under the tuition of Tim Andrews of Orchard Revival, a Gloucestershire fruit grower and cider maker.
Grafting is the process of propagating new trees. You will learn how and why we graft, and will make at least three newly-grafted trees to take home. If there is a particular variety of apple that you wish to graft, please let us know and we will attempt to procure some wood for you. The only equipment you will need to bring is a very sharp knife (e.g. a Stanley Knife) and some secateurs.
Cost is £55 for the day including all materials and full tuition. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be included, but please bring your own packed lunch. Free parking on site.
Please book well in advance so that rootstocks can be ordered in time. Book online on Ticketsource or via the Barn website.